A Will

Firstly - well done! We are huge advocates for wills as we have observed the challenges when someone dies without a will.

Wills can be simple or complex but the most important aspect is that your Will is purposefully created for your individual circumstances. To begin, we recommend you email us and we can send to you our Wills Questionnaire for you to complete.

We can make the most complex requirements easier.

Enduring Power of Attorney

There are so many reasons to put EPOA’S in place - whatever the reason we would be happy to assist!

EPOA - Property

The simplest way to explain EPOA’S is they are documents designed to legally appoint another person to make decisions on your behalf if you can’t. In New Zealand if you own an asset such as a house or bank account with a joint owner, that other person cannot deal with the asset if you lose capacity. This can be incredibly difficult especially in times of stress. We can help put in place EPOA’S so that if you are incapacitated your attorney can step in. There is a lot of options available with the EPOA’S so you can control what happens if you are no longer capable.


If you lose your ability to manage your own care and welfare then an EPOA could be invaluable.  The PWC only comes into effect once a doctor has determined you can’t make decisions for yourself and an Enduring Power of Attorney for Personal Care and Welfare allows the attorney you have appointed can take over that role. It could be permanent if you have a debilitating disease or could be temporary if you suffer a traumatic event but can recover. Every situation is different but having the documents in place can minimise stress at a stressful time. Let us help put the documents in place.

Advanced Directive

An Advanced Directive (sometimes known as "Living Will) is a document which records your wishes if you are in a situation where you have suffered a traumatic event or are struck by a degenerative or life ending condition. There is a highly personalised document which you may wish to consider in conjunction with Enduring Powers of Attorney. We cannot provide advice on what is contained in the document but we can facilitate preparing an Advanced Directive for you.